Teacher Appreciation Week

National Teacher Appreciation Day is a day to honor teachers and recognize the lasting contributions that they make in our lives and the lives of our children. The history of this day starts back in 1944 when discussions among political and educational leaders began. By 1953, Eleanor Roosevelt persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim National Teacherโ€™s Day (National Day Calendar, 2022). Congress declared that March 7th, 1980 was to be the first Teacherโ€™s Day and continued to observe National Teacher Day as the first Tuesday in May until 1985. The National PTA decided that one day to celebrate our educators was not enough, so they made National Teacherโ€™s Day into National Teacherโ€™s Week. The Tuesday of that week is specially reserved as National Teacher Day. Was there ever a teacher who influenced you so much so that you can recall certain conversations with them, or the lessons they left on you? If you have the time, take a minute and think of them or reach out. You, most likely, had left your mark on them as well.

For a fun and interesting read on National Teacher Appreciation Day, click here