To register your child at Bowie Unified School District, please stop by the school’s office to complete a registration packet. Some of the information we require includes:
Enrollment information
Home address
Home and work phone numbers
Medical records and health information
Emergency contact information
Student birth certificate
Proof of immunization
2 forms of Az Residency (Driver's license, bill, bank or credit card statement, payroll stub, etc.)
Documents to complete during the enrollment process:
Transcript (if attended a different school)
Media Consent Form
Student Emergency Form
Student Health History
Transportation Survey
McKenny Vento Form
Immunization Requirements
Arizona law requires students to receive certain immunizations in order to attend school. In the event of an epidemic, we will exclude children who have not been immunized. You may make arrangements with your family physician or with the county health department to immunize your child.
Please read the Arizona Immunization Requirements to see a summary of the required vaccines.